Faenon's Fantasy Fiction Newsletter
Saga of the Jewels
Free complete fantasy audiobook

Free complete fantasy audiobook

Saga of the Jewels Volume One: The Fire Ruby

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Faenon's Fantasy Fiction Newsletter
Saga of the Jewels
A fantasy audio serial. Can Ryn and his companions find the twelve elemental Jewels in time to stop the Emperor from conquering the world? Avatar: The Last Airbender meets The Chronicles of Prydain meets DnD meets the Final Fantasy games. Has an ensemble cast, an elemental magic system, steampunk airships, chocobos, dungeons, and a Cid, among many other things. Updates on or near the 1st of each month. Also has a 'Previously on...' section at the start of each episode so you can jump on anywhere. Subscribe at sagaofthejewels.substack.com to get a free sample short story as an ebook and mp3.