"Life isn’t all reading and writing fantasy books (in fact it’s sometimes not very much of that at all, believe it or not), but it is packed full of glory." I liked hearing this, thank you for the reminder! And I enjoyed your roundup in general - some great tips for reading/watching. I was a big X-Men fan - I'm looking forward to catching up with that. Thanks again!
Thanks, TK! It's my turn for a holiday lie-in and I'm farting about on the laptop so I saw your comment instantly. I noted the X-men reference in the cover blurb of the second edition of your first book :) I've actually only watched the first episode of the new series, but it made my inner teenager so pant-wettingly excited I immediately forced my wife to watch it again with me. Even she liked it, so it MUST be good. Very good reviews on imdb and rotten tomatoes too :)
Ha - I know just what you mean. Nostalgia for its own sake can really let us down, but when an old favourite comes back in a GOOD form - when it stands up in its own right - it can be so thrilling. I was a fan of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles as a kid, and I loved revisiting it when Nickelodeon put out their brilliant remake (which in itself it now old, early 2000s I think!) So then...looks like I need a Disney subscription!
"Life isn’t all reading and writing fantasy books (in fact it’s sometimes not very much of that at all, believe it or not), but it is packed full of glory." I liked hearing this, thank you for the reminder! And I enjoyed your roundup in general - some great tips for reading/watching. I was a big X-Men fan - I'm looking forward to catching up with that. Thanks again!
Thanks, TK! It's my turn for a holiday lie-in and I'm farting about on the laptop so I saw your comment instantly. I noted the X-men reference in the cover blurb of the second edition of your first book :) I've actually only watched the first episode of the new series, but it made my inner teenager so pant-wettingly excited I immediately forced my wife to watch it again with me. Even she liked it, so it MUST be good. Very good reviews on imdb and rotten tomatoes too :)
Ha - I know just what you mean. Nostalgia for its own sake can really let us down, but when an old favourite comes back in a GOOD form - when it stands up in its own right - it can be so thrilling. I was a fan of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles as a kid, and I loved revisiting it when Nickelodeon put out their brilliant remake (which in itself it now old, early 2000s I think!) So then...looks like I need a Disney subscription!