Here’s the ‘weekdaily renewal of commitment to writing script’ I’ve started using. Feel free to use it for yourself, or adapt, if you like!
I read and answer all these questions to myself before I start writing, to help get me in the right mindset. It takes about a minute.
Does your worth and value depend on what you create and/or achieve?
Do you have a desire to write and do you enjoy writing, and having written?
Do you will to choose today to commit to writing and getting better at writing?
How does one get better at writing? (By writing, by studying the craft of writing, reading, seeking and responding to feedback on work, editing, submitting material.)
Are you too old to write, edit and submit?
Even if you never get traditionally published [already traditionally published authors insert alternative achievement here, e.g. become a bestseller, win an award, get rave reviews etc.] or produce work of a certain level of quality, is it still worth aiming for this goal and trying your best to produce work of the highest quality you can?
What do you think? Anything you’d change or adapt? If anyone reads this, let me know in the comments!